Organ Donation

All adults in England are now considered potential organ donors, unless they choose to opt out or are in one of the excluded groups.

Everyone has a choice as to whether or not they want to become an organ donor after they die and if you choose to donate, you can choose to donate either some or all of your organs.

By registering with your GP or the NHS to become an organ donor you have the option to donate organs such as your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas and small bowel. All of these forms of donation can greatly enhance or even save the life of someone in need.

Whatever you decide, please talk to your loved ones. Your next of kin will always be consulted, and can overturn your decision if they aren’t sure what you want.

If there is no recorded decision for you on the NHS Organ Donor Register, your family will be asked if they have any information that shows whether or not you wanted to donate. Save them the heartache of this difficult decision and make your wishes clear to everyone now.